+32 9 274 45 22
Magali holds various degrees and specialises in all aspects of intellectual property, information technology, data protection and health law. She also deals with issues such as e-commerce, consumer protection and unfair market practices. Her practice focuses on developing and crafting IP, data protection and innovation strategies for a wide array of companies throughout their growth cycle, ranging from technology start-ups to large oganisations in both the private and public sector.
She has gained legislative experience by co-developing draft legislation for various governments. In addition, she has extensive experience in dispute resolution both before civil, criminal or administrative authorities, courts and/or tribunals.
Magali is a volunteer scientific collaborator at the University of Ghent, department of MetaMedica, where she is conducting her PhD research on the secondary use of health data for further scientific research. She is also involved in a number of European H2020 projects on the secondary use of medical data as well as on informed consent, and draws up a framework for various hospitals on the secondary use of personal data in line with the applicable provisions of health law, data protection law and privacy.
As a guest lecturer, Magali gives a number of courses on "Data protection in health care", as part of Prof. Tom Goffin's Health Law course at the University Hospital. She also gives a number of lectures on Data and Ethics, as part of Prof. Dr. Mahsa Shabani's course at the University of Ghent, as well as on the topic of "Data protection applied to new technologies", as part of Prof. Dr. Fabienne Brison's course at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Furthermore, Magali co-drafted a memorandum for the European Data Protection Board ("EDPB") entitled: "Data Embassy Principles". These principles provide a concrete solution for the exchange of personal data between EU member states and third countries, addressing the concerns raised in the so-called "Schrems II"-judgment of the European Court of Justice. The EDPD adopted these principles in "Use Case 2: lawful international data transfer", as set out in its December 2020 and June 2021 guidelines.
Magali is a much sought-after speaker at various national and international conferences and webinars and the author of numerous national and international (legal) publications on data protection. These publications include:
M. FEYS and C. MOREL, De Nieuwe Verordening Gegevensbescherming: een algemeen overzicht van de (nieuwe) verplichtingen rond gegevensbescherming” in Orde van Advocaten bij de balie te Gent, (ed.), De advocaat als generalist, 1st edition, Brussels, Intersentia, 2018, 130 and 133;
M. FEYS, “Key takeaways on the guidelines on processing of health data for scientific research in the context of Covid19 outbreak”, April 22nd 2020, accesible via this link.
M. FEYS, “600,000 euro fine for Google for not respecting the "right to be forgotten" ”, July 15th 2020, accesible via this link.
M. FEYS, “Schrems II and Cloud Computing: Immediate Action Required”, July 26th 2020, accesible via this link.
M. FEYS, “EU Data Protection and Data Embassy Principles” July 26th 2020, accesible via this link.
M. FEYS, “After Schrems II: Contracts No Longer Enough For Data Transfer”, Juli 20th 2020, accesible via this link.
M. FEYS, “Does GDPR-defined Pseudonymisation Overcome the Shortcomings of Anonymisation and Encryption in Response to the Schrems II / Privacy Shield Decision?”, August 26th 2020, accesible via this link.
M. FEYS, “Position Statements on Responsible Uses of Technology and Health Data During Times of Crisis -Even desperate times call for “Fair Trade Data”, 28oktober 2021, paper ingediend voor het panel gesprek op de online conferentie van FPF (Privacy & Pandemics: Responsible uses of Technology & Health Data)
M. FEYS, “Schrems II: How to Protect Against Liability When Using Non-EEA / Equivalency Country Vendors”, 28 Januari 2021
G. LAFEVER en M. FEYS; “Unprotected Processing by Default vs Data Protection by Design and by Default Under the GDPR for Schrems II and GDPR”, 31 Januari 2022
M. FEYS, “Is Canada’s Proposed Consumer Privacy Protection Act Too High Risk Compared to E.U. Data Protection Law?”, 25 Augustus 2022
M. FEYS, et al., “Technical Controls that protect data when in use and prevent misuse”, Journal of Data Protection & Privacy, Vol. 5, 3 (2023), 281-296.
Founder/Partner – AContrario.Law
(2017 – present)
Senior Associate time.lex
(2016 – 2017)
Senior Associate Ambos/Cresco
(2013 – 2015)
Associate Liedekerke, Wolters & Kirkpatrick
(2012 – 2013)
Associate Field Fisher Waterhouse
(2010 – 2012)
Junior Associate – Howrey LLP
(2008 – 2010)
Certified Data Protection Officer
Magali holds a master's degree in law, a master's degree in economic law (corporate and financial law option), an additional master's degree in intellectual property law and a postgraduate degree in Bio-tech.